Achieve Your Academic Goals
and Empower Others to Succeed
online tutoring that makes a difference
For every lesson with DoubleUp, a free lesson is donated to an underprivileged
child who needs academic support.
DoubleUp seeks to offer free educational opportunities, and tackle the educational wealth divide. A free lesson is donated to a child who would otherwise struggle to afford it for every lesson purchased. These children often struggle with language barriers or additional educational needs, and really benefit from one-to-one teaching.
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With An Incredible Tutor
Fully Online
Any Subject
Any Ability
Ben Young
Upper 6th Student
at Eton College
"I love languages and linguistics. I'm on DoubleUp to share that passion, and to help others."
Clemie Moore
Lower 6th Student
at Latymer School
"I'm a huge reader, and I am looking to pass that habit on to future English and History students. I will be studying English Literature at UCL next year."
Aaron Yanick
Upper 6th student
at Harrow School
"My main academic passion is mathematics. I compete in international olympiads and maths challenges. In future, I plan on studying in the US and working in STEM."